Clear to-do list design with light gamefication
The large number of questions - usually distributed amongst various team members - inherent in these application forms inevitably creates an additional workload of managing completion status and assigning responsibility. Clearly depicting the status and assignee of each question with a subtle color coding for user motivation ensures high completion rates, meaning more certified organizations and higher profits for the certifying body.
Clean, easy to understand interface
The decision tree for users is considerable, with not only many questions, but some open-ended answers as well. More color coding to indicate status, with completed questions faded out, action items in bold colors, and Z-axis utilization to draw users' attention where necessary reduces decision fatigue.
Combining detailed and high-level views
For the certifying body, the agents are able to view the status of applications. Rather than a crude progress bar, a more nuanced view of the status of each application, where each question is represented by a color-coded cell, shows not only the overall progress of applications, but where effort and challenges occur. This enables agents to identify problem areas and prioritize work.