We began to conceptualize how this product would work. Research showed that people who used these vitamins would achieve their mental health improvement over the course of months or a year or so. We would need to track their health status daily over the course of this time. We also anticipated the ultimate discontinuation of the app, and it was also possible that some individuals may discontinue the supplements for some reason and end up relapsing.
We then had to find a way to fit the usage of this app into a person's daily life. It would have to be convenient enough to check in at least once per day without fail. Our user research identified a number of daily usage patterns that various types of individual might exhibit. We quantified these daily rhythms by level of cognitive engagement. At high levels of engagement, such as commutes, or intense work, the user would not be available to check in, and at very low levels the user would be too tired of lazy to bother. Thus, we would have to meet them in the middle where they are at the right level.